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BENZO FURY 6-(2-aminopropyl) benzofuran or 1-benzofuran-6-ylpropan-2-amine 6-APB or Benfamine


Benzo Fury, White Pearl


6-APB/5-APB is chemically similar to Amphetamines (like Speed) and to Ecstasy, so it’s reasonable to assume that they have similar effects to those drugs. Hence, people using 6-APB/5-APB may experience: Feeling very up, alert, chatty and energised. Being ‘in tune’ with their surroundings and/or with music and colours feeling more intense.   Temporary feelings of love and affection for the people they are with and for the strangers around them.  Physical effects such as dilated pupils, tingling feelings, tightening of the jaw muscles, raised body temperature and the heart beating faster.


6-APB is sold as ‘Benzo Fury’ in the form of coloured tablets or ‘pellets’, as a white or brown powder, or as variously coloured capsules. The appearance is not, however, a guarantee of content.  6-APB can be swallowed or snorted in lines. The powder version can also be rolled up in a cigarette paper and swallowed (‘bombed’).

HEALTH RISKS (long term) which includes withdrawal & tolerance:

BENZO FURY is chemically similar to amphetamines (like speed) and to ecstasy, and so it’s reasonable to assume it has similar risks to those drugs. Hence, people using 6-APB/5-APB may experience:  Anxiety, panic attacks, confused states, agitation or aggression, paranoid feelings and even psychosis.   A ‘comedown’ that may last a number of days – with feelings of lethargy and depressed mood.  It is likely that addiction is a risk with regular use. 6-APB is chemically similar to drugs like Amphetamine that are addictive. Hence, it’s reasonable to assume that you could become addicted to 6-APB and could suffer similar withdrawal symptoms seen with Speed and Ecstasy if used regularly.



6-APB/5-APB is chemically similar to amphetamines (like speed) and to ecstasy, and so it’s reasonable to assume it has similar risks to those drugs. Hence, people using 6-APB/5-APB may experience:  Anxiety, panic attacks, confused states, agitation or aggression, paranoid feelings and even psychosis.   A ‘comedown’ that may last a number of days – with feelings of lethargy and depressed mood.  It is likely that addiction is a risk with regular use. 6-APB is chemically similar to drugs like Amphetamine that are addictive. Hence, it’s reasonable to assume that you could become addicted to 6-APB and could suffer similar withdrawal symptoms seen with Speed and Ecstasy if used regularly.

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